Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Archive for August, 2013


Fence Paint

I felt a sudden need to document this moment in history via Fernando’s [former] fence.


Former because Fernando is no longer my neighbor.  This moment in history, because we are in a transitional space, where new meets old and negotiations, adjustments, and compromises may have to be made.  In other words, I don’t know if the new property managers, and tenants, are going to like this wabi sabi style, so it may or may not get painted over.


sounds in the dark

sounds in the dark

    ( >,< cricket, cricket >,< )

I have an Intention to re-become a blogger.

Here’s a little piece in the game of catchup…

This is I think my favorite recorded vocal performance (of my own), after Juice Song (chronologically):
(click picture)

SIDE SAUCE cover, 2009.

SIDE SAUCE cover, 2009.

p.s.  Recent Synaesthetic Experience Report :  I was dancing to music by a band at Trailer Space recently, when I had a sudden vivid memory of the taste + smell of anise, perhaps triggered by the music, or the dancing… Yummy music!