Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “Emergency Casserole

Upcoming Dates & Projects

My Project Book is incredibly dogeared and floppy.  That means I’ve been busy!

First news, in the Night Viking department:

7/24 @ Cherrywood is our pre-release party for KUCKOO CREDIT FORT, our accidental 4.5th album. Early show, 8pm!

Meanwhile, we’re working hard in preparation for the debut of a short play, written by Chad, called NEON NACHOS.  We’ll be doing that, in addition to a music set, at Salvage Vanguard Theater on Aug. 15th.  (Plutonium Farmers and XPPR5-9 will also play.)

Then on 8/29, we will play in a radio studio for KVRX’s “Local Live” show.  Is the world ready?

Next up, Ichi Ni San Shi is playing at Beerland on 7/28 with No Mas Bodas.  Then, in mid-late August we are GOING TO NEW YORK!  Woo-hoo!  We play at least one show, at The Cake Shop with No Mas Bodas and hopefully someone local.

Hey, this very upcoming Friday, my friends at the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata are opening their “Underground” show.  Check their page for details…

Oo, oo!  This is gonna sound crazy, but the same day that Neon Nachos debuts, an AMOA-sponsored recycled fashion show will be happening, and I am collaborating on a dress for it with G.A.G.A.  Splendid fun!

Ahh, and the news you may be waiting for– Emergency Junk-a-thon (a two day festival of art, music, rummage sale items, comedy and puppets) will be September 18th and 19th at Cherrywood Coffeehouse.  I can hardly wait.

OhMyGosh, !

Number Two!

You can see a bit by The Lost Art, a musical performance by Kevin Pope, slideshow by Lori 16mm, stand-up & acting by Mr. Chad Hopper, and MORE.  Plus, there will be an art therapy exercise, quizzes, and a bushel of prizes.  Be ready for Thanksgiving by practicing your jokes on us and collecting recipes, this Thursday.