Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “holistic

Performances Upcoming

Well, ya just stay busy don’t you?

That’s my answer to a lot of questions right now.

And it’s still exciting, all this work to do!

Some things accomplished, other things brewing:

– Joined the Austin Time Exchange Network!  Check it out.
– Received a beautiful 1/2 report /visual edit from Chad that I will post on a School (without walls) page very soon!
– Got on board the visioning-for-a-REPURPOSING-RESOURCE-CENTER group.  Evolving out of what was Greater Austin Garbage Arts and pulling in more (and more) powerful potential with strong collaborators, this as yet nameless model for a new way of relating to waste and resources is going to be a beautiful addition to our city in a short time!
– Other synchronistic connections happening that will bear fruit soon, soon.
– Trying to cut down on sugar and yeast. Cool!
– Getting ready for an awesome mini-tour with Night Viking to McAllen, TX, this weekend!
Monday:  Work Party! ! (for building both the Studio and the Theater!) +brainstorming for future projects [–> playhouse made out of ???? bottles?? oh my!]

– Puppet season is right around the corner…
– I started my performance archive!

Next week: Radical new blessings, keeping the ball rolling, and Doctor Clown v.1.something <<<<


Basically, my proposal is this, flexible to variations, and happily responded to, YES or NO:

Collaborate with me on this project to make “my backyard” (which is semi-“public”, in that it is not fenced in and has hosted numerous public gatherings so far) a lively, beautiful, quirky, KID-PROOF sanctuary/destination, with more happy PLANTS, private areas, and functional attributes.

Some of the challenges I am currently facing are:
1-Storage decay & insecurity.
2-Unclear boundary of workspace.
3-Extremely rocky and glass-filled dirt.
4-Unpleasant ground-cover with too many burrs!

My hopes for the space are to:
1) “Fix” my current storage space system to store: items for specific events, tools and materials for specific outdoor projects, and Art. Storage must be secure and dry.  (I am working on this part now).
2) Area immediately surrounding storage => an organized studio. Stuff for my own projects needs to be secured/locked, and additional shelves for future students/co-workers should also be considered.
3) Create a raised sink (+ greywater processing and irrigation system) for use during outside events or workshops or studio time.  This structure will bring some life in the form of some irrigated plants — perhaps vines or kitchen herbs.
4) Create a few comfortable and fun places around the area (a swing, benches, some mosaic, collaborative public sculptures, puppet theater stage, etc.! (This is where I am extra-open to outside ideas and inspirations!)
5) Replace the current ground-cover with one that is hypo-allergenic and softer.
6) Overall, to Increase peaceful play, promote creative work, provide an enjoyable experience for out-of-doors gatherings,and to be AMAZING.

I KNOW that I need help with this, and I FEEL that it is a project that many people could get excited about, depending on their degree of investment.  I know that people need to feel that a project is beneficial to them in order to invest any amount of time or energy into it.  I see this as beneficial to many because of the number of potential uses the space can have: a learning space (“The Austin Cooperative Free School“, if you need a name for it), a work space (for outdoor crafts), a place for community puppet theater, more artsy swap meets, collaborations with other friend-organizations, etc.   To wrap it up as “conceptual art” I may refer to it as the Recycling Center, where rescued materials are cared for, traded, and crafted.  In addition, the environment itself is a slowly evolving work of art (indeed, A Living Space).  Artistic/professional collaborators may use the space to showcase their work, to create an example of their skill that will be seen by many people, even while each part is a thoughtful contribution to the community.

There is some food for thought.  Bon appetit!

What do you want to learn? What do you want to teach?

(Thank you, Landon, for crystallizing this thought through conversation.)

<______This post is a form_______>

The purpose is to figure out what you would want to teach
and what you would want to learn at the School without Walls.

Read my lists, then write your own lists, in a comment trail…
! !



_Language practice, cultural educations
_Tap-dancing, other dance forms (p.s. there is a “Folk Dancing” class at Hancock Activity Center; I will go if someone else goes)
_Environmental sciences (soil testing, pruning, landscape tips, how to tend a wild-scape as well as garden plants, etc.!!!)_Local history
_How to fix sewing machines
_Computer video editing
_Animating on the computer
_How to cook awesome amazing Indian food or other healthy special treats.
_something that you want to teach?
Oh, so many other things!  (I will keep editing my lists)

WANT TO / WILLING TO TEACH (or facilitate)

_painting or drawing
_astrology as a language and a tool for understanding
_dance/movement exercises (for healing, expression)
_recycling unusual trash items into art/craft objects
_Life Questions
_synaesthesia / hybrid art forms / brain stretching
_puppet show creation
_music notation
_ ?

Awards Ceremony

On Sunday, February 8th, we had the very first Backyard Assembly.  On the agenda was 1) Muffins, 2) Awards Ceremony, and 3) Announcement of Intentions.

Marina and Patrick were awarded the Young Scientists Award, for successful plant growing and creative use of materials.*  Molly and Twyla were awarded the Art + Heart award for loving animals, finding good things to collect, and making art every day.  (Molly accepted the award for both of them since Twyla had the flu.)

The intentions that were announced were: 1)  I am planning to start a school without walls.  I will be outside cleaning the grounds on Sunday mornings for sure (other days randomly, like Wednesdays) and weekly meetings will be held Sundays after noon.  I can guarantee a fun activity or workshop going on every other Saturday, starting the 21st of Feb. !  2)  I requested the assistance of Marina and Patrick in helping to make our environment healthier.  3) I gave an Emancipet calendar to Molly & Twyla, so that they may start to comprehend time a little bit, and help me plan stuff when I am with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Patrick wanted to know:  “Is the school going to have vending machines?”  Good question!  Even better, we’re going to have a garden!  Fresh snap peas taste like pure sugar.

Linda Kelsey-Jones officiated over the ceremony, Chad Hopper took photos, Zoe Rose glowed, and Chips Guthrie tried to get the muffins.

*I have a picture here that is proof of Marina and Patrick (and Jennifer) ‘s “creative use of materials”.

Look at this playground they made!
