Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “Red

Blasting to the Past

This photo-post is a sentimental indulgence harking back to 2005.

(It’s time for an oil change…)  +  “IT’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE”

Here’s another, of the puppet stage!


Emergency Casserole


Phrenology, DJ Monkeypants, and "Brad Gold"

April showers

Thanks to a computer angel from the Austin Time Exchange Network, we are back in action!

This is a picture about the love in my home, and also about Spring allergies and birds.

Oh boy– I just watched the Science of Sleep, so I am looking forward to dreamland.

*Dear Michel Gondry, I will be your slave.  Please call me about your next project.  Thanks!*

Fully Febby

So much going on, behind the scenes! Not much time for bloggin just yet, but if you can come on out to Salvage Vanguard Theater tomorrow night (2/14), I will be making a Synaesthetic Dessert on the stage. ♥ Lights, sounds, color, motion!!

—     —      —    and next week…  —      —      — (rain or shine…)

Junk-a-thon!  This time the theme is let’s barter more — so, bring stuff you don’t want or need!  Drop it off or trade it for something you DO want or need.  I want to have a bulletin board sort of thing, so people can leave a flier or note advertising themselves and their services or products  or whatever!  Let’s make connections, people!  It’s a new economy.


Zine-y bean

Yes! I love crossing things off the list.

This is a special sneaky peek (note: best set list ever, center) at what has gone into the production of the latest Night Viking & Friends album, Side Sauce.  Inside a tidy vinyl sleeve, you get a b+w version of this “map”, with a collaborative crazy collage on the back, PLUS full-color front+back covers, and 31 TRACKS of awesome/inane sonic boom.  I said BOOM.

Aww, look how slick they are!

Oh right! and back to that subject that I mentioned in the title, Ziney-zines.  This project gave me a good vision and a process that I can use to accomplish my goals for The Lost Art (of)’s recordings.

[At some point a while back, I decided to make a February/Valentines’ mix this year, both to honor the Chi-do tradition* that has been dormant for some years, and to have a “gift” available for my audience at SVT on 2-14. Then– I added on to that ambition a desire to create xerox-copied booklets as accompaniment to the Recordings — to house extra stories, to indulge my urges to explain, to save honorable intentions from un-crossed off lists, and, of course, to design.  Lovefully…]

Cutting and pasting is fun!  Email me to order Side Sauce or to pre-order the February Mix.

*It’s a long story…

Remnants/Memories from “…Time”

Ahh, how Time does gallop, and the wind does blow…

There were a lot of little details.

And different contributors.

And, hey, these apples are still for sale!

(2008, L_M_N_L)