Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “L_M_N_L


..What’s New.?

Doesn’t the word New look really weird when you stare at it for 3 seconds?

There are people outside my house wearing mirrors on a Friday night.

We (my honey + me) have a New office.
(it’s much more fun to rearrange the furniture when your furniture is just make-shift parts & pieces.)

It’s ARIES time!

I have a New way of showing you things, as my old way has died (and yet to be restored completely).

Here (hear):

Let me Show You:

Though I don’t have Photoshop at the moment, I Do have my SCANNER/

/ // / / // / (CAL|BRAT|NG)/ // / // / // -=

((and feedback screams from another room, another house…))

Now, here’s Something From the Past:

Scan #2: two Old photos, of the traditional sense.  [yes I have a thing or two to learn about preventing dust speck-age;]

Top photo from IT’S ABOUT TIME (l_m_n_l 4:2008); bottom from TURNING POINTS (Co-Lab 12:2008).  The nice thing about physical object photos (vs. digital files) is how they can end up in shuffled stacks, and then two will get together like this and share a harmonious moment.

more soon!

Remnants/Memories from “…Time”

Ahh, how Time does gallop, and the wind does blow…

There were a lot of little details.

And different contributors.

And, hey, these apples are still for sale!

(2008, L_M_N_L)