Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “recycling

bureaucracy baby pictures

I’m either just about to get this dream kicked into gear, or on the verge of realizing I’m totally nuts.  Hopefully.

What is the dream?  Well, quite simply it is a cooperative re-purposing factory (with functional and fanciful output) that also happens to be a school of creativity, a laboratory for scientific observation, and a relaxing outdoor environment for vocational therapy.

Getting the chalkboard up to facilitate the factory/school functions and Metal Alley constructed to house materials was super exciting this last weekend.  Getting O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D.  Here is the current list:


All this and more…

Wanna help? Volunteers will be reimbursed with alternative currency (ATEN Hours), a pleasant experience, and good karma.

LAST (Odd) Saturday…

Gee-willickers, TIME is constant. tick-tock.  Keeps on moving, just like this wind, here.  (I live in the “Blackland Heights” neighborhood of East Austin, atop a hill with an almost constant breeze from the South.  Across the street, just downhill a little to the South, is an elementary school.  Behind us are the backyards of neighbors, some with shady trees and dense weeds, some with hard-worked garden rows, protected by solid fence.  There used to be orchards here, some say… )  Anyway,
Here is our Documentation of APRIL 9th, 2011 (minus a video of a new musical instrument, which is coming soon…):

After Luke (our Participant #1  in the Social art Experiment which is “Odd Saturdays”) tinkered awhile to invent a fantastic use for glass bottles, he spent a lil time in the Studio, tidying up and doodling with the special treasures.

the objects in the studio have personalities and prefer sitting next to their friends

This guy's Surprised To Be Alive.

a pirate... (w/reflection)

An Albert Einstein cyborg.

Chad came out for awhile and SORTED.  He managed to pop open some deep pockets of time-accumulation, and then he took some scientific-ish shots of these details:

As it was already a hot day, salad with hard-boiled egg and cran-rasp. spritzers were had by all.

In the afternoon, SIGN-PAINTING was undertaken as a serious motion to advance the cause of RE-aRT.  Unfortunately for Luke (or fortunately, if he’s into action-adventure scenarios), the master list of JOBS changed

after he had already begun painting.  The term palimpsest was discussed.  The list continued to change long after Luke had to journey forth into the rest of his day.

I enjoyed the day very much.   I became re-aware of how much work there is to do, which is invigorating.  And I made this picture:

**           )_(        **          =_=          **           `+`  in other news, CURRENTS is updated w/the current PRESS RELEASES.  cHeck it oUT.

(check back later for video updates)

Recently Writing Related

Well I just finished posting this, and I’m feeling very accomplished.  I’m going to tell everyone.

I really feel like rambling in a free-associative way, but I’m beginning to think I should funnel that sort of thing into performance art. (By the way, the next The Lost Art appearance will be a short thing at Emergency Casserole @ 4:30pm, and after that. . .  May 7th at Co-Lab.)

On the other hand. . .       why,   where did that hand go?     Hand?      Hand?

Oh yes, I have GREAT NEWS!  After long last, and after writing “I need an editor” over 20 times a month, on to-do lists and notes-to-self laying discretely all over the house, I have finally hired an Editor of my very own, Mr. Chad Hopper, who has so many good ideas he really ought to work as a “creative consultant”.  As a result, I’ve gotten an Assignment!  woo-hoo!  Next up, we’ll figure out a deadline for that assignment.

I think this means I’m headed towards some sort of self-publishing project cycle (until my giant boxes of paper scraps are obliterated).  See, it is a matter of health.  I can’t hold onto things forever, or I’ll be buried alive.  Plus, the beauty within these collections is worth sharing, in some way or another.

For now, the bi-annual Journal will go under the name suggested by my editor: ARTFORMATION.

see you soon.