Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “photos

We’ve Lost Count

Junkyard Casserole (descendent of  Junk-a-thon) happened once again at 2608 Rogers Ave., this time from noon til midnight.

For the umpteenth time, it was an ecstatic confluence if friends, friendly strangers, strange art and fun junk.  Oh yeah, it was hot.  But there was an a.c./indoors section of the department store.

Here are some of the other departments:

Blasting to the Past

This photo-post is a sentimental indulgence harking back to 2005.

(It’s time for an oil change…)  +  “IT’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE”

Here’s another, of the puppet stage!


..What’s New.?

Doesn’t the word New look really weird when you stare at it for 3 seconds?

There are people outside my house wearing mirrors on a Friday night.

We (my honey + me) have a New office.
(it’s much more fun to rearrange the furniture when your furniture is just make-shift parts & pieces.)

It’s ARIES time!

I have a New way of showing you things, as my old way has died (and yet to be restored completely).

Here (hear):

Let me Show You:

Though I don’t have Photoshop at the moment, I Do have my SCANNER/

/ // / / // / (CAL|BRAT|NG)/ // / // / // -=

((and feedback screams from another room, another house…))

Now, here’s Something From the Past:

Scan #2: two Old photos, of the traditional sense.  [yes I have a thing or two to learn about preventing dust speck-age;]

Top photo from IT’S ABOUT TIME (l_m_n_l 4:2008); bottom from TURNING POINTS (Co-Lab 12:2008).  The nice thing about physical object photos (vs. digital files) is how they can end up in shuffled stacks, and then two will get together like this and share a harmonious moment.

more soon!

“…contemplating the universe, remodeling everything…”

Video Game Living Room

Yes, I’ve been BEHIND on blogging (leaving a flier for an event-past up for 2 weeks, oh my!).  So here is a photo to savor while I get all my ducks in a row!

—       —       —       —

The year is rounding out to a close.  That means almost 1 year of Synaesthetic Breakfast, and an opportune time to write a NEW Artist’s Statement, new goals, and to re-organize my folders once again! (If you haven’t noticed, I love RE-organizing… more than maintaining pre-established order.  I think it’s genetic.  My maternal grandmother used to rearrange the furniture to the extreme of making her children switch rooms.  My father liked to remodel everything…)

Off the cuff I’m going to throw out there that I would like to do some self-interviews as a way of synthesizing, digesting all this work that I’ve been producing since moving to Austin (almost) 5 years ago.  Five years– that’s like going to college all over again!  And it really has been a time of self-education and creative development that I am proud of.  I’ve flailed from time to time for lack of “structure” and moaned about my miserable record of documenting/cataloging/writing about everything that has happened…. but those failures aside, I am pretty happy about what I have achieved and what I’m working on now.  (I almost said “where I’m headed,” but the crystal ball is being coy just now.)

For the future of Synaesthetic Breakfast: more photos, colors, textures; more writing about other people, project updates and catching up with my self-documentation goals.

Among the many things I’ve been meaning to blog about but haven’t within the past weeks/months/year:
– The interview transcription from Neighborhood Acupuncture Project, covering topics such as how co-healing is actually more effective than treatment in isolation…
– The video/audio/photo documentary of Scott and Jen’s ever-evolving garden-scape (outside of but not really separate from their Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata)
– My report on Saturn Return now that I’ve gone through it!

Also, I’ve been meaning to share these photos:

My dog has a lot of cat friends. I put up this sign to try and protect them from those crazy drivers!

I had fun visiting studios during E.A.S.T. Then I came home and played with blocks.

Weaving urban detritus is super fun.  I've got plenty of supplies here, see?

Another Big Idea/fantasy plan that I haven’t blogged about: Science+Art Barn-Raising.

Basically, my studio/yard is a test-site where collected/scavenged materials (mostly man-made post-consumer scraps) are subjected to extreme (Texas) weather conditions.

Two teams (coexisting, not opposing) will converge on the site = Scientists, studying the breakdown of these materials into the environment + Artists, creating conceptual work from and with the materials through constant rearrangement and manipulation.

Science is a steady collecting of data that must be grounded in physical reality.  As an artist, I am immersed in this physical reality and its constant changes; I observe the weather, the passage of time, the biodegrading occurring.  I struggle to keep up with the challenges of this “outdoor studio”, this “man v. nature” drama which usually results in the ego/idea surrendering to that which is so much larger.  Decomposition keeps pace with composition. I find myself gluing things less and less. So maybe this struggle and surrender, this process, IS my material?  I let go and observe the transformational work of Nature?  If I could morph into a part-time scientist, it could be my subject of study, which might actually be objectively useful in the field of environmental science.  As it is, I am kind of stuck being an artist (at least for now), so I would like to invite some other people to come be the scientists.

Consider this a rough draft!  Please do: edit, question, comment!

A good day’s work


Awards Ceremony

On Sunday, February 8th, we had the very first Backyard Assembly.  On the agenda was 1) Muffins, 2) Awards Ceremony, and 3) Announcement of Intentions.

Marina and Patrick were awarded the Young Scientists Award, for successful plant growing and creative use of materials.*  Molly and Twyla were awarded the Art + Heart award for loving animals, finding good things to collect, and making art every day.  (Molly accepted the award for both of them since Twyla had the flu.)

The intentions that were announced were: 1)  I am planning to start a school without walls.  I will be outside cleaning the grounds on Sunday mornings for sure (other days randomly, like Wednesdays) and weekly meetings will be held Sundays after noon.  I can guarantee a fun activity or workshop going on every other Saturday, starting the 21st of Feb. !  2)  I requested the assistance of Marina and Patrick in helping to make our environment healthier.  3) I gave an Emancipet calendar to Molly & Twyla, so that they may start to comprehend time a little bit, and help me plan stuff when I am with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Patrick wanted to know:  “Is the school going to have vending machines?”  Good question!  Even better, we’re going to have a garden!  Fresh snap peas taste like pure sugar.

Linda Kelsey-Jones officiated over the ceremony, Chad Hopper took photos, Zoe Rose glowed, and Chips Guthrie tried to get the muffins.

*I have a picture here that is proof of Marina and Patrick (and Jennifer) ‘s “creative use of materials”.

Look at this playground they made!


Purple & magenta


reader poll:    Should I switch to now?  How clunky is the ?

Oh, Chips…



The Pictures Are Still Coming



Co-Lab/Turning Points: Gallery photos Vol. 1

MORE PHOTOS coming soon. Here is batch one: