Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “dog

Awards Ceremony

On Sunday, February 8th, we had the very first Backyard Assembly.  On the agenda was 1) Muffins, 2) Awards Ceremony, and 3) Announcement of Intentions.

Marina and Patrick were awarded the Young Scientists Award, for successful plant growing and creative use of materials.*  Molly and Twyla were awarded the Art + Heart award for loving animals, finding good things to collect, and making art every day.  (Molly accepted the award for both of them since Twyla had the flu.)

The intentions that were announced were: 1)  I am planning to start a school without walls.  I will be outside cleaning the grounds on Sunday mornings for sure (other days randomly, like Wednesdays) and weekly meetings will be held Sundays after noon.  I can guarantee a fun activity or workshop going on every other Saturday, starting the 21st of Feb. !  2)  I requested the assistance of Marina and Patrick in helping to make our environment healthier.  3) I gave an Emancipet calendar to Molly & Twyla, so that they may start to comprehend time a little bit, and help me plan stuff when I am with them on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Patrick wanted to know:  “Is the school going to have vending machines?”  Good question!  Even better, we’re going to have a garden!  Fresh snap peas taste like pure sugar.

Linda Kelsey-Jones officiated over the ceremony, Chad Hopper took photos, Zoe Rose glowed, and Chips Guthrie tried to get the muffins.

*I have a picture here that is proof of Marina and Patrick (and Jennifer) ‘s “creative use of materials”.

Look at this playground they made!


Oh, Chips…
