Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “austin

bureaucracy baby pictures

I’m either just about to get this dream kicked into gear, or on the verge of realizing I’m totally nuts.  Hopefully.

What is the dream?  Well, quite simply it is a cooperative re-purposing factory (with functional and fanciful output) that also happens to be a school of creativity, a laboratory for scientific observation, and a relaxing outdoor environment for vocational therapy.

Getting the chalkboard up to facilitate the factory/school functions and Metal Alley constructed to house materials was super exciting this last weekend.  Getting O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D.  Here is the current list:


All this and more…

Wanna help? Volunteers will be reimbursed with alternative currency (ATEN Hours), a pleasant experience, and good karma.

Paper chains and body doubles: The art of Silky Shoemaker

This just-recently-passed E.A.S.T. (east austin studio tour), I received an invite to visit the bungalow/studio of Silky.  It had been quite awhile since I’d seen her or her work; years, in fact!  So I plotted her location into my bike-steering device and rolled on down the hill…   Well, I was pleasantly reassured to see that she is still making ultra-fancy fantasy worlds with handmade-textural and maximally-detailed effects.  And oh, the motifs!

Check it out:


image c. Silky Shoemaker, 2011

Untitled (Generic)


Art From the Streets

Well, the 18th Annual Art From the Streets art sale is coming up really soon — Nov. 6th (12-5) and 7th (9-5) — so I thought I’d share this beautiful piece that I purchased there a few years back:

signed Michael S. Moore

I am still not tired of looking at it, so I would say it’s definitely part of my permanent art collection.

You really should check this event out if you’ve never been before.  In the past it was inside ARCH, but now it will be a block over, at St. David’s Trinity Center, @ 7th & Trinity.  There is sure to be an overwhelming amount of artwork to look at and choose from, starting at $20, with the proceeds going directly to the homeless artists.  If you go to the link you can read bios from some of the artists and learn about the program.  Mark the calendar!


Upcoming Dates & Projects

My Project Book is incredibly dogeared and floppy.  That means I’ve been busy!

First news, in the Night Viking department:

7/24 @ Cherrywood is our pre-release party for KUCKOO CREDIT FORT, our accidental 4.5th album. Early show, 8pm!

Meanwhile, we’re working hard in preparation for the debut of a short play, written by Chad, called NEON NACHOS.  We’ll be doing that, in addition to a music set, at Salvage Vanguard Theater on Aug. 15th.  (Plutonium Farmers and XPPR5-9 will also play.)

Then on 8/29, we will play in a radio studio for KVRX’s “Local Live” show.  Is the world ready?

Next up, Ichi Ni San Shi is playing at Beerland on 7/28 with No Mas Bodas.  Then, in mid-late August we are GOING TO NEW YORK!  Woo-hoo!  We play at least one show, at The Cake Shop with No Mas Bodas and hopefully someone local.

Hey, this very upcoming Friday, my friends at the Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata are opening their “Underground” show.  Check their page for details…

Oo, oo!  This is gonna sound crazy, but the same day that Neon Nachos debuts, an AMOA-sponsored recycled fashion show will be happening, and I am collaborating on a dress for it with G.A.G.A.  Splendid fun!

Ahh, and the news you may be waiting for– Emergency Junk-a-thon (a two day festival of art, music, rummage sale items, comedy and puppets) will be September 18th and 19th at Cherrywood Coffeehouse.  I can hardly wait.

the Cadillac of worms, she says

Because there is so much going on right now that I am befuddled, I am giving you a non-sequitor title, c/o my dear friend Laura Cyan Anderson.

Art shows!  Co-Lab this Saturday; Cheer Up Charlies (East 6th @ Waller) all June; Thunderbird (Koenig) in July: these are all collaborations with Chad Hopper.

At CUC you will find a small installation of a whole bunch of stuff all under the heart-shaped letters which spell out “DNA ERA”.  We worked hard in there on a hot day without A.C., so go look at it.  It’s kind of like going to the zoo, only it’s a bread factory.  In it I express my  love for nets, lamps and physics.

The Co-Lab show is an experiment in rules (and the flip-side of that, freedom).  It is well explained on the Project blog (link above), so read that if you want to know more.  Or, just show up to Co-Lab on Saturday eve if you can.

Finally, July’s coffeeshop show will probably just be a bunch of framed art/collages.  I have a surplus of old stuff, but plenty of material to make new ones, too- ahem- art collectors!  Take note.  Art is important to have in your house.  It helps loosen the brain in those odd moments between mundane bits of life, etcetera.

So, enough with words, here are some pictures:

Junk-a-Thon #6: Circus of Values!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages,

Step right up to the Junk-A-Thon Circus, fun for the whole family, this Week-End, June 13&14th, 9am-9pm!  More participants than ever before are camping out this weekend to share their home-made wares, such as fossils, unique clothing and art, greeting cards, party supplies, unusual stuffed animals… plus sift through other yard-sale items for something that is useful to you.  This is probably the most fun alternative to going to a store that you could hope for.  Keep your eyes peeled for the random performance art!

2608 Rogers Ave.


Cooperative Free School of Austin



There is a splendid interview in Paperdolls magazine with CampCamp! counselors Silky Shoemaker and Ray Matthews.   

I think I’m going to add a story about Silky and the home that she lives in that I used to live in, I would like going down that memory lane.

But right now I feel like playing guitar and then going to bed.

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