Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “random


Fence Paint

I felt a sudden need to document this moment in history via Fernando’s [former] fence.


Former because Fernando is no longer my neighbor.  This moment in history, because we are in a transitional space, where new meets old and negotiations, adjustments, and compromises may have to be made.  In other words, I don’t know if the new property managers, and tenants, are going to like this wabi sabi style, so it may or may not get painted over.

April showers

Thanks to a computer angel from the Austin Time Exchange Network, we are back in action!

This is a picture about the love in my home, and also about Spring allergies and birds.

Oh boy– I just watched the Science of Sleep, so I am looking forward to dreamland.

*Dear Michel Gondry, I will be your slave.  Please call me about your next project.  Thanks!*