Documenting Change @ RE-aRT

Posts tagged “Chad Hopper

On the theme of House, Home, Habitat

Another thing I did in May was create some new artwork for an art show at the Walkers’ Gallery in San Marcos.  I submit art to the Activity Center shows every once in a while, and this theme particularly spoke to me.  The show, which is up through the first week of July, features a good percentage of work from the Art from the Streets (AFTS) program in Austin (which hosts a drop-in studio for homeless artists), plus nine pieces from Chad (6 of them World Salads), eight from me, a couple of very interesting national artists, and of course plenty more contributions from the San Marcos area.

At the opening reception last week, an AFTS representative presented a feature-length documentary on the Art from the Streets program, which revealed both the incredibly awesome art that is created by the homeless participants in the program, and the cruel hardships in their lives that we maybe take too much for granted.

Here are some of my favorite pieces from the show:

Growin' Home by Timothy Baker (AFTS)

S. African Weaver Bird, 1-3 by Susan Winters Cook

Terreform Tree Habitat by Mitchell Joachim

another by Mitchell Joachim

Cathedral of Junk collage by Vince Hanneman

World Salad by Chad Hopper

And  here are my own submissions ~~ some new, some old…

Home = a variety of attachments, c. 2004

Home = HARD + soft, c. 2011

Harmony and Spice, c. 2011

House of Divisibles, c. 2011

House Plan, c. 2011

House for Ideas, c. 2011

Balls Dining, c. 2011

Welcome, c. 2011


Gee golly, making art and collaboratively installing it is so much fun!
This is the Domy (Houston) show as it looked Saturday night.  It will be up through May 7th.


And, here are some close-ups.


Demand + Supply


“Beginning with an Assignment (DEMAND) to create a list of Materials (SUPPLIES), Hopper and Jones engage in a closed-economy art experiment, wherein the elements themselves are also used as tools without any additional means.


1)     Create a list of mutually agreed-upon supplies limited to 20 different elements with specified quantities.

2)     Gather all supplies on list individually.

3)     Install supplies at Co-Lab on specific sides of room, working independently except for at the meeting point (somewhere in the middle).”

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SOME current fliers &”commentary”

j7bThis one was a fun collaboration back-and-forth between myself + Chad.  There should be a good little collection of fliers we’ve made together by now.

Man! And I made the puppet show production one, but you’ll have to look at or I will scan again.  The promotion for that is still evolving.  How do you advertise a PROCESS — something that is perpetually in progress, but that requires community connection?   (many answers, flowing)

Oo-oo!  By the way, Fernando has decided: every Sunday, 3pm: Fence Paint!  Anything goes!  All ages.  Yes!

Anyway, Chad got this other flier whipped out, too:


And, also from the ALF book…


That’s for the “programming” that I will be providing as part of the E.A.S.T. (East Austin Studio Tour) celebration in November, at CoLab (for she’s a jolly good art space).

So, here’s the run-down of things I am excited about:

Oct. 2nd: Chips’ b-day party and puppet-making soiree!
Oct. 3rd: Night Viking at FREE WATER2
Oct. 6th: |:The Lost art (of):| performs at Beerland with Palit and Liz Burrito & the Bubble Machines!
Oct. 10th: Open Call / Dress Rehearsal for puppet show.  Also, benefit for the Lipstick Pages.
Oct. 17th: JUNK-A-THON Opens! Pot-luck and PUPPET SHOW!
Oct. 18th: Junk-a-thon Day #2, w/ Craft Tables!
Oct. 23rd: Emergency Casserole!
Oct. 31st: Halloween and Butthole Surfers at Stubbs!
Nov. 15th: “An Ostrich and a Rainbow”, a movement-based play by Starlight Dance Troupe, at the Carver Theater.
Nov. 17th: E.A.S.T. workshop/performance at Co-Lab.

and more and more!  So much to look forward to.


Art For Walls

ephemeral galaxies being observed

ephemeral galaxies being observed

Miss Messy's Lasagna

Miss Messy's Lasagna

Chad and I are trying to get a coffee-shop show together.  Here are some examples of my recent work, and some of his (below):

